Top 5 Travel Experiences of 2015

I was looking through my pictures and reflecting on the amazing year I’ve had. I’ve had some amazing travel experiences, and I thought I’d pick out my favorites.
1. Italy

I can’t even begin to pick out any specific instances that stand out, because the entire trip was beautiful and amazing. I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. You can read more about that trip here, here, and here).

2. Skye

This is objectively one of the most beautiful places in Scotland. I got to go with my cousin and we had an amazing time. I have very fond memories of this trip, which I wrote a post about here.

3. Spain

I had a good time in Spain because of the people I was with and also because I got some language practice. Right when I got out of the airport in Spain, while I was waiting for a bus, a woman came up to me and asked me if I spoke French. I said I did and did my best to give her directions in French, despite being completely in the Spanish mindset. For the rest of the trip, I spoke almost entirely in Spanish, which was so nice. It made the trip even better! Read more here, here, here.

4. Farming in Pitclochry

Some family friends own a farm near Pitlochry, and in September I went to go stay with them for a few days and help out on the farm. Read more here.

5. Sunrise in Stockholm

On our way to Finland this summer, we had an overnight layover in Stockholm, so we decided to take the bus into the city to explore. Since the sun doesn’t really set there during the summer, we watched the sun rise at about 2 or 3 in the morning. It was an absolutely beautiful morning.