Stirling, Doune, and Linlithgow

For Paulina’s last day in Scotland, we went to not one, not two, but THREE castles in one day. It was quite intense, but so cool to see three very different castles.


We got to Stirling right when they opened at 9:30, so it was quite an early start. We went straight from the train to the castle, because we were on a tight schedule. Stirling didn’t end up being one of my favorite castles, but I think that’s mostly because I didn’t leave us enough time to see everything. We spent less than two hours there, and I think you could easily spend three or four hours there.
view from the esplanade

the Great Hall


I didn’t actually learn that much about the castle, because I was just freaking out the whole time because I kept recognizing places where they filmed Monty Python and the Holy Grail, which I have seen so many times I could probably perform a one-woman rendition of the film from memory. Needless to say, I was excited.

I did take a few pictures of places I think they filmed and I wanted to compare with stills from the film. And I will add that to this post when I have time.


I decided not to take many pictures there, because I have already been to Linlithgow, so if you want to actually learn about it, read this blog post

The day was a success, but it kind of sucked having less than two hours at each castle and feeling rushed the whole day. I’m glad Paulina got to see all those places, but I don’t think I’ll be attempting three castles in one day again.