Monthly Recap: March 2016

March 2016

Places I Went

Cramond Island, Edinburgh – Cramond Island is a tidal island in a village just outside of Edinburgh. It used to be used by the military in WWII, so there’s a bunch of abandoned, graffitti-ed up bunkers around the island. It’s a pretty nice place to walk around.

Blackford Hill, Edinburgh – I’d been to Blackford Hill before, but the weather and visibility were bad. This time, the weather was amazing and I even went around in just a t-shirt (for a few minutes).

I have pictures of these places below. I actually spent the whole month in Edinburgh! It was a bit of a bummer that I didn’t go anywhere exotic and new, but I’m glad I got to go to Cramond Island for the first time and

Books I Read
I’m still reading the same book – hopefully I’ll finish it soon!

Best on the Blog

Hiking to Neushwanstein –  this was my favorite post I wrote last month, so I’m glad it was the most popular.

Best on Instagram

Inspirations and Favorites
I got super into the Jiangyang Zhuoma’s music (降央卓玛). I started learning the words and that motivated me to study Chinese even more!

I got really sick this month, so I ended up watching a lot of Netflix. These are the shows that kept me entertained: Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Outlander, and Making a Murderer.

This seemed like a pretty boring month, but it’s because it was a really productive month. I finished one essay and started another. I also just studied a lot. While I would have rather been traveling, it was good to get a lot done.

I also got another piercing. I got my helix pierced. I don’t think this is nearly as exciting for anyone else as it is for me, so I won’t go on too long about it.