Monthly Recap: April 2018

Here’s what I got up to this month.

Where I Went
Edinburgh – another month without travel!

What I Read
I didn’t manage to finish any books this month, but I did start two books. Hopefully I’ll finish them after exams.

What I’ve Been Listening To

I haven’t really found any new music this month, but I do really like this Malian singer, Rokia Traore, especially this song, Laidu.

What I’ve Been Watching

Brooklyn Nine-Nine – I was really hesitant to start watching this one. I didn’t really know what it was about or if I was going to like it. It’s really funny and lighthearted, which I definitely need now that exam season has arrived.


The Emma Guns Show – I listened to this podcast because Emma was interviewing someone I was interested in, then I listened to her other episodes and really like her show. She’s been doing mini episodes about breaking and making habits, which I like. I also really like her episode with Gretchen Rubin.


There have been a lot of challenges recently, which is one reason I haven’t been up to much this month. One has been my health. I have a sort of chronic nauseous feeling, which has been going on for over a month. I have no idea what’s going on, but it’s affecting my ability to do things. I don’t think it’s just stress, but I know the stress isn’t helping. I’m hoping to have some answers soon.

Stress. Stress. Stress. On top of three essays and five exams this spring, I’m also trying to look for a post-graduation job so I’m not homeless and destitute. It’s been really hard to balance everything, especially while I haven’t felt well. I have now finished my essays and one exam. Just four exams between me and FREEDOM (and by that I mean summer and unemployment).


The weather this month has definitely been something to celebrate. It was actually above 12 degrees Celsius for a few days and we got to have picnics, study outside, and not wear any jackets (don’t worry this didn’t last and it’s cold again).