Goodbye, 2014

This is a little late going up, but I am done with my first semester of university!
Actually, when I finished exams I was a little sad, because I realised that’s the easiest semester of uni I’m ever going to have and it’s only going to get harder from here, though, hopefully, I will have even more fun in the future.

After exams (which were by far the most unpleasant experience of 2014), I had a few days in Edinburgh and then I went home to US! I had such a nice time being with my family and high school friends again. 
I flew home on the 23rd, and as soon as I got off the plane (no sleep), I went to my aunt and uncle’s house to have dinner with them and also my grandmother. It was good to see everyone, but I was so exhausted I’m not sure I was very good company! Then, as if that weren’t enough, when we drove home (an hour and a half drive) I went out with all of my high school friends. I ended up being out until two or three in the morning, which was really 7 or 8 in the morning according to my body clock, but it was definitely worth it to see all my friends again. 
On Christmas Eve, I got up bright and early and actually did quite a lot. For that reason, I was asleep by 9:30, which is probably a record for me. Usually I make it until at least midnight!
Christmas was so nice. My grandmother stayed with us like she usually does and that night a different pair of aunts and uncles came over for dinner. I really enjoyed all the family time!
After Christmas my parents, sister, and I went on a little day trip out to the country, which is not so much charming as it is trashy, but still has its moments of being nice.

We also took a short trip to Atlanta to visit my other grandmother and my sister and I took this really cute picture.
Like I said before, I was so happy to see all my high school friends again. Hanging out with them was one of the highlights of the holiday. We did so many fun things. We had a party for New Years and we had some really nice talks, we went bowling, we went ice skating, I went to a movie with a friend, we dyed my friend’s hair pink and blue, and I met up with some friends for coffee and brunch. I felt like I got to see everyone, which was just so great. 

I even went to visit some of my teachers at school, which was nice, but also a really weird feeling being back after so long. I know it really had only been four months, but I guess because I was so far away it feels like it’s been a year or longer since I’ve been home. 

Another highlight of being home was seeing my dog again. I mean look how cute he is (and he knows he’s cute)!

Overall, it felt really weird to be home. Because I couldn’t come back during the semester at all and I had been away so long I felt like a weird visitor. I’m so used to living in my flat and living in Scotland, it was strange being back in my house in America. I don’t know how to properly explain it other than WEIRD. 
Now I’m back in Scotland and my next post will be about my first two weeks back in the new year and new semester!