Goals for 2020

Last year, my goal was pretty much to get into a PhD program and start that. Goal achieved! Last year was a big year for transition: I was working part-time jobs in my hometown and then I moved to California to start grad school. Now that I’m here, I am looking forward to establishing better routines, getting lots of exciting work done, and being as healthy and happy as grad school allows!

I have a few different types of goals, so I’ve categorized them:

Ah, the classic New Years Resolution. I really want to integrate more movement and activity into my routine. Given how my first quarter of grad school went, movement and activity are not a given. I did make a pretty good effort to walk either into or back from campus every day, which takes about 25 minutes. I went to the gym maybe twice, though. I’d like to get back in shape a bit so I can get back into strength training and weight lifting, which is the type of exercise I prefer. I’d also like to supplement that with walking and hiking when I can.

I have done the Goodreads reading challenge for the past 5 years, so I’ll be doing it again this year. Last year I aimed to read 25 books, and I managed to read 18. I read a lot at the beginning of the year when I wasn’t in grad school. By the end of the year, I got back in the swing of things and read a few more books. This year I’m aiming to read 17 books (that aren’t related to grad school). I’m hoping 12 of them will be fiction, self-improvement, non-fiction, etc., and that 5 of them will be non-fiction related to Chinese Studies. I currently have around 100 books saved on Goodreads that are related to Chinese Studies, so I’d like to make a dent in those.

Another goal I have is to think about the books I want to read. I still want to allow for some spontaneity – because often the books I read the fastest are the ones I read on a whim – but I want to think carefully about the books I want to read this year. I have relatively limited time to read for fun, so I want to make the most of it!

Just by writing this blog post I am making good progress on my goal. I would like to try to get back to writing on here a couple times a month. Obviously, with grad school I often don’t have as much time to write and I’m not doing as exciting things. But I have to still catch up on blog posts from my road trip last summer and I have some ideas about different kinds of blog posts I can write. I have increasingly been thinking about synthesizing or reviewing the books I read that are not related to grad school or other media I consume, such as podcasts. I also am thinking a lot about sustainability, so that’s another topic I would like to write about and maybe document some of the small changes I have tried to make. I always feel better when I’ve sat down to write about something I’ve been thinking about.

One of the overarching themes of my resolutions for this year is to make more time for not work. Last year, I learned how to crochet, so I would like to continue to make things this year. I took a couple of pottery classes last year, too, which were really fun. While I won’t be continuing pottery class, I am thinking about different ways I can make things. I’m thinking I might get into scrapbooking?

My main goal with respect to my work is to work really hard and to be proud of what I’ve done and how hard I’ve worked. More concretely, I plan to present at a conference, submit a paper for publication, give some sort of talk or guest lecture, and improve my online presence. I have a website through the university, but I want to make it better, link my GitHub and other resources, put more things on there, etc.

Mental Health:
For the sake of my mental health, I won’t share too much. But among my goals are to do a digital detox, journal more, and take more time off on the weekends to do fun things.

My main goal is to have a particular amount in savings by the end of the year. I have an amount that I would like to have saved by the time I finish grad school, so this is a good first step. I would like to also join one of those apps that rounds up all your purchases to save a few cents on every purchase and put it in your savings account. I also want to be more organized about taxes and bills. I’m not doing a horrible job, but there’s always room to be more on top of taxes and expenses.

I’m hoping this year won’t be a year of such radical change, but one of steady growth and hard work. I am hoping to do some exciting things, and some planning has started, but generally I’m not too sure of what I’ll be doing or where I’ll be going in 2020.