Florence, Part 2

This is the last of 3 posts about my trip to Italy. Click here to read about my first few days in Florence and my time in Rome!

Again, I was impressed with the apparent timeliness of the Italian trains, until we ended up getting stuck in Florence and were late getting to the train station. Oh, well, it didn’t bother me much. That night we didn’t do much because the next day was going to be a full day of museums.
I actually got to sleep in a little this time. Stef got to the Galleria dell’Academia at about 10 and waited in line for 30 or 45 minutes. We wandered around for a while and then we found it – David. Seriously, wow. It is amazing. Also, significantly bigger than I thought it would be. 
In the next room there was a massive collection of plaster models of sculptures. It was a very cool room.

After the Academia, Stef and I got lunch at one of her favorite panini places. It was so good! And it costs 3.50 euros and you get to put 5 toppings of your choice on it. 
After lunch, Stef went home to take a nap and I went on to the Uffizi. This is the last art museum I went to on this trip, which is probably a good thing. By this point, I couldn’t appreciate any more art! Nevertheless it was a great museum.
Famous Boticellis!

After that, I really wanted to be outside. I walked along the river and sat down in the sun! I also went to Ponte Vecchio and walked around,
Then I went back to Stef’s and we headed up to Piazzale Michelangelo to watch the sunset. We chatted for a while and watched by far the most stunning sunset I saw on the trip.

Then when we got home I made risotto, which I think I made for Stef and Nikki when Stef came to Scotland, and to finish off a perfect day, we went back to the gelato place we went to before and got more gelato! Of course!
My trip to Italy was so great, and I can’t wait to go back!