Exciting New Project!

For almost two years I have known about the polyglot community on YouTube. It all started when I read Babel No More by Michael Erard. He tracked down the world’s most accomplished language learners and wrote about their accomplishments. Soon after reading that book, I found the Polyglot Project, which is a compilation of testimonies from polyglots about their lives and experience learning languages. I found this to be really inspiring, since I was thinking about taking on a fourth language at the time. Many of the testimonies ended with a link to YouTube channels of the polyglots who wrote the different chapters. I started to watch some of these videos and I started to realize I could learn a lot more languages than I previously thought was possible. I also was introduced to the idea of learning a language on my own, which I had never really considered before.
Some of the polyglots that have inspired me to take on all the languages I have and to start my own YouTube channel include Moses McCormick, Steve Kaufmann, Richard Simcott, Luca Lampariello, Lindie Botes, Alexander Arguelles, Benny Lewis, and several others. These people all have varying views about the best way to learn a language according to what works best for them, but they are all members of an interesting community of people who all share a common interest in learning languages and using them to communicate with people. After observing for almost two years, I have decided that I want to participate. I am starting my own YouTube channel, because I want communicate with the people who inspired me. I also want people to help me fix the mistakes that I make when I speak. 
I have thought about this for a while, and was hesitant about making videos, but I had so much fun making my first video. I have a lot of ideas about videos I can make to practice my languages and even start learning a new one! I think this is a really amazing platform for communication and will be a really fun project for me. 
Here’s the link to my first video if you want to check it out