Travel Journal

I wanted to introduce a project I completed while traveling during Spring Festival here in China.I completed my first ever travel journal. I started it while I was traveling in India. I continued on my trip to Thailand later that month. Then I filled the rest of the notebook with my journal entries from my…

Thailand: SCUBA in Koh Tao

I spent four days on Koh Tao doing a PADI diving course and here’s how it went.  Last I left off, I was leaving Bangkok. To make it to Koh Tao, I left at 10pm on an overnight bus to a pier down on the east coast south of Bangkok. We arrived at around 4:30am…

Thailand: Disaster in Koh Lan

Okay, disaster might be a little bit of a strong word. But it was one of the worst days of my trip. We got up at 5am or something ridiculous like that. We took the subway to the bus station and got on the wrong train, which delayed us a bit. We got on a…

Thailand: Bangkok

After arriving at 3am on the cheapest flight I could manage, I slept for a few hours then we got right to sight seeing on our first day in Bangkok. We got off in the centre, then walked towards the temple we were going to. On the way, we were admiring the colonial architecture. Such…