Goals for 2020

Last year, my goal was pretty much to get into a PhD program and start that. Goal achieved! Last year was a big year for transition: I was working part-time jobs in my hometown and then I moved to California to start grad school. Now that I’m here, I am looking forward to establishing better…

The Tale of Two Passports

I have two passports now! Here’s why… I got mu last passport (on the left) in early 2014 and now I have a new passport, which I got almost exactly three years later. This is because I filled the other one up, which was one of only two items on my bucket list. So at…

Goals for 2016

I didn’t do this last year, but I thought putting my goals or resolutions for the year on my blog might remind me to check in on my progress throughout the year and generally remind myself that I made goals. So, here are my goals for the year 2016: 1. Fitness I actually made a…