
I started off this year by taking a trip to Iceland. Iceland in January was not exactly the easiest time to go to Iceland, but the flights were cheap! We stayed with friends of my flatmate just outside of Reykjavik. They very kindly picked us up at the airport even though we got in really…

Packing for Iceland

I’m leaving for the airport to go to Iceland in about two hours, so I thought I’d quickly write up everything I’m taking with me.I’m going for 4 nights and I’m packing for January weather in Iceland, which will mean about freezing temperatures give or take a few degrees. There will also be some pretty…

Monthly Recap: December 2015

As part of wanting to be more reflective, I decided I wanted to do some sort of monthly recap. I also have been thinking about ways I wanted to change in the past few weeks, and I’ve decided I want to also be better at looking at my goals more frequently and working more consistently…

Top 5 Travel Experiences of 2015

I was looking through my pictures and reflecting on the amazing year I’ve had. I’ve had some amazing travel experiences, and I thought I’d pick out my favorites.1. Italy I can’t even begin to pick out any specific instances that stand out, because the entire trip was beautiful and amazing. I’ll let the pictures speak…

Goals for 2016

I didn’t do this last year, but I thought putting my goals or resolutions for the year on my blog might remind me to check in on my progress throughout the year and generally remind myself that I made goals. So, here are my goals for the year 2016: 1. Fitness I actually made a…

FAQ: Why Did I Move to Edinburgh?

One of my jobs is giving campus tours to prospective students at the University of Edinburgh. A lot of parents and students ask me why I chose Edinburgh.This is a bit of a story, but unfortunately enough time has passed that I’m a little fuzzy on the chronology and the details. So, this is how…

Goals for 2016: Fitness

Before I explain my fitness goals, I wanted to talk about what I’ve done in the past year.I was never really interested in working out or sports until the end of 2014. I started by doing workout videos I found on YouTube, which were really good. I decided to step it up in 2015 by…