Monthly Recap: June 2017

Where I Went Shanghai, China Qingdao, Shandong, China Luoyang, Henan, China Huashan and Xi’an, Shaanxi, China Xiahe, Zhangye, Dunhuang, and Jiayuguan, Gansu, China Xining and Qinghai Lake, China For the last half of the month I was backpacking around China. Blog posts about everywhere I went to come! Best on InstagramThis one is from Qinghai…

Top 5 Things in Xi’an, China

I recently spent 4 days in Xi’an, which is the capital city in Shaanxi Province, China. I had an absolutely amazing time, so I thought I would share my top 5 activities in Xi’an. 1. Terracotta Warriors This one is pretty obvious. This is the reason most people outside of China have heard of Xi’an….

Muslim Quarter, Xi’an

This week I went to Xi’an and had an absolutely amazing experience. One of my favorite places we went was the Muslim Quarter and this is why I loved it so much. The Muslim Quarter is a neighborhood in Xi’an where the Muslim influence is quite evident. There are several mosques, lots of people walking…

A Taste of Shengzhou

This past weekend I went to Shengzhou with a TV crew who was filming a travel show. I got to tag along and write about it. Here’s my favorite moments from the trip. (photo above by 仲斌) Trying chicken feet (and squid and eel) For our first meal on the trip, there was a bowl…

How to Learn Chinese Characters

I think I’ve written before about how I study at university, but I wanted to go in depth about my system for studying Chinese characters, because I’ve been really enjoying it and I think it’s been working really well. I kind of figured out this system through trial and error, so there is kind of…

Playing Catch Up: Chinese Update

This whole summer I told myself I would review everything I learned in my first year of Chinese classes and that I would get ahead so coming back after summer wouldn’t be hard. I never managed get myself to open a book about Chinese, so I was really nervous about coming back to it. I…

Chinese Update

Back in February, I made a video of my presentation for my last Chinese oral exam (watch here), and I decided to do that again. This is my presentation for the oral component of my final exam for Chinese 1. I’m fairly content with my progress, but I wish we had learned a little more….